BabyTrees® daycares

Daycare and so much more

Daycare Centres applying Montessori methods in a bilingual, French-English environment


To expose your child to English and French languages, Baby Trees introduces and stimulates them in various ways.

Our English-speaking staff interacts through play and activities continuously with your child alongside our French speak staff.

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Montessori is a holistic approach created with the needs of the unique child at the centre.

The child works with freedom and independence in a structured and stimulating environment. This method respects natural brain development as well as individual needs and interests.

Montessori is a preparation for life, in early years, by learning life skills such as self-discipline, self-care and for others in their environment.

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Part of our curriculum at Baby Trees is the Individual Planning.

Through observations and assessment from our experienced and qualified educators, we will tailor a developmental planning for your child to reach their maximum potential as they move from stage to stage in their learning journey.

This planning is reviewed a few times during the year in accordance with the families to remain consistent and respectful of the home.

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Baby Trees Purpose is

  • To provide a high standard of care
  • Offer continuity of care between the home and the daycare
  • To support your child’s emotional, social, and physical development
  • To expose your child to French-English bilingual environment

Our Daycare Centres aim to create an enabling environment both indoors and out for babies and young children to feel safe, secure and support their play and learning.

Family Portal
Continuous contact for parents with the daycare centre

The Family Portal allows you as a parent constant real-time updates about your child and their basic needs.

Features that make your life easier:

  • View your calendar
  • Access your invoices
  • Direct messaging service
  • Photos of your child

Find your child’s activities on our Facebook and Instagram pages

Come look at our Facebook and Instagram!

  • Follow and like our daily activities and outings
  • See your educators
  • Be informed and gain insight on child development from professionals
  • Discover how and why we use Montessori and other educational material in our daycare and what you could do at home.

Baby Trees is in France.

1 day 4 hours ago

Activité collage d’hiver❄❄ à la crèche Baby Trees Wasselonne ! Les enfants étalent de la colle au pinceau et y ajoutent différentes matières : des

Baby Trees

2 days 1 hour ago

👉Il y a 10 ans, vous avez réservé un accueil chaleureux à notre toute première crèche à Strasbourg, marquant le début d'une belle aventure !

Baby Trees is in France.

3 days 3 hours ago

Préparation d'une tisane au citron🍋 maison à la crèche Baby Trees Wasselonne. En toute sécurité, ils découpent des morceaux et la pulpe du citron🍋 pour

Baby Trees is in France.

3 days 21 hours ago

Ouverte depuis plusieurs mois, la crèche Baby Trees Grasse Hôpital portée par Chloé et Florian accueille vos enfants dans un environnement bienveillant et stimulant. 👶✨

Baby Trees

5 days 5 hours ago

👶🛁Le bain libre pour bébé est une méthode de bain qui permet au bébé de se mouvoir librement dans l'eau sans être soutenu en permanence

Baby Trees is in Carcassonne.

1 week 1 day ago

La neige☃️ s’installe à la crèche Baby Trees Carcassonne Grazailles ! Les enfants réalisent de la neige artificielle❄️ avec du bicarbonate de soude et de

Baby Trees is in Biot.

1 week 2 days ago

Vous êtes à la recherche d’une crèche pour votre tout-petit ?👶 ✨Notre micro-crèche Baby Trees Biot vous ouvre ses portes ! ✨ Venez visiter nos

Baby Trees is in France.

1 week 3 days ago

Activité sensorielle à la crèche Baby Trees Strasbourg Vosges✨ Les enfants👶 découvrent de nouvelles textures sous leurs pieds, qui parfois chatouillent ! comme la texture

Baby Trees

1 week 5 days ago

✨L’espace sensoriel en crèche est conçu pour stimuler les sens des enfants tout en étant une pièce apaisante qui favorise leur bien-être. Cet espace peut

Baby Trees is in France.

2 weeks 1 day ago

Un tour en bus🚌 pour les enfants de la crèche Baby Trees Tours Pierre Gandet. Les enfants participent à une œuvre collective en décorant ensemble

Parents feedback is important to help us improve our service
Let's hear what parents have to say :

In 2024, satisfaction scale 9/10 parents recommend Baby Trees.

BabyTrees, Member of fédération des entreprises de crèches.

*Based on Baby Trees Strasbourg


happiness of children


fulfilling environment



Parents talk about it best

Dad of a little boy who has been registered at this nursery for almost 1 year. Everything I was looking for, I found here for my child. A caring approach from the staff, professionalism, perfect food quality with organic, non-industrialised and balanced products.
Sassan - May 2023
Lovely and caring team in harmony with the Montessori concept…everything is done for the development of the little ones… New, bright and joyful premises!!! I recommend it to all parents looking for a perfect mini- facility.
Denise - January 2023
Educational team is excellent, professional and attentive… superb nursery.
Melle M - January 2022

Would you like to register your child in one of our crèches?

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    If you want to know more about data management and your rights,
    you can refer to our privacy policy.

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